Alexandre Enkerli — Curriculum Vitæ (PDF)
French-speaking ethnographer (linguistic anthropologist, ethnomusicologist, Africanist), coffee homeroaster, beer homebrewer, saxophone player, and human being.
Here are five of my key achievements:
- Taught social sciences and humanities (“ethnographic disciplines,” especially) at eight institutions of higher learning (in Indiana, Massachusetts, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Texas).
- Conducted formal and informal ethnographic field research in diverse contexts (Québécois families, hunters’ associations in Mali, homebrewers in North America, etc.)
- Participated in a large number of social networks (connecting musicians to social media specialists, baristas to homebrewers, engineers to academics).
- Played saxophone in a variety of musical contexts (from duets to mass band, from a Malian band to classical quartets).
- Written extensively about a wide range of topics (language, music, social networks, coffee, Africa, social media, beer, academia, hedonism, etc.).
The following post may also shed light on my background.
Selling Myself Long « Disparate.
Francophone jusqu’au bout des ongles: né au Québec d’une mère Québécoise et d’un père Suisse-Romand, effectuant des recherches avec des chasseurs au Mali, autrefois marié à une Acadienne…
Un hédoniste dans l’âme et dans les actes. «Nous avons toute la vie pour nous amuser, nous avons toute la mort pour nous reposer.»
Hi Alex,
Great thoughs about the Moka Pot at the CG 8 years ago. I’m involved in it a bit as well. In case you have not seen our video:
I’d be happy if you’d share your thoughs/critics.
Kind regards
Salut Alex, je suis retraitée et en vacances à Londres ((R-U).
PVI – Forum à Montreal le 7-8 juin 2023 – à la Bibliothèque nationale
Je me suis inscrite (60 dollars) –
L’Institut de coopération pour l’éducation des adultes (ICÉA) est heureux de vous accueillir sur le site Internet du forum Construire l’avenir : l’éducation des adultes au service du bien public et du bien commun.
See you there in June? I get back to Canada June 6.
Ciao! Mary
613 620-8329